Triple R Rotem Projects excels in developing National Security Operation Centers (NSOCs) to enhance real-time situation awareness, integrate intelligence, and enable coordinated operations between security, military, law enforcement, and emergency services. Our multidisciplinary team collaborates with governments to tailor security concepts that meet national needs and threats.Key Functions of NSOC:

  1. National Situation & Command Room: Real-time threat analysis and operational command.
  2. Emergency Management Center: Crisis coordination and management.
  3. Intelligence Integration Center: Gathering and analyzing data to support decision-making.
  4. Coordination Room for Liaison Officers: Ensures interoperability during crises.
  5. Press Work Space: Media coordination during emergencies.
  6. International Forces Work Space: Space for international aid coordination.

Technological Capabilities:

  • Mass data collection and real-time analysis
  • Advanced Command & Control systems
  • Unified Situation Picture for decision-makers
  • Redundancy and protected locations for operational continuity